Who are we? #RRC

The privately financed Rhein Ruhr City initiative was launched in summer 2016 and is concerned with a vision: a supraregional, collaborative and economically and ecologically sustainable concept for Olympic and Paralympic Games in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. Not for, but through the Games, essential future topics such as networked mobility and digitization can be decisively advanced in the Rhine-Ruhr region. This is a decade project that is supported by the participating municipalities. Above all, the Agenda 2020 and the new reformation of Agenda 2020+5 make it clear that a rethink has taken place at the IOC, away from gigantism and toward more sustainable games. Together with the 14 municipalities that are enthusiastic about the idea and vision of Rhein Ruhr City, our goal is to combine forces and synergies for an overarching goal and to think as one metropolitan region in order to realize an ecologically and economically sustainable future on the Rhine and Ruhr. The concept is sustainable now, even before the Games have begun:


of the sports facilities are already available


Radius around all municipalities


People find space here


Fifth largest metropolitan region in Europe


Medium-sized companies



„The power of sport is to connect people all over the world.“

Taking into account a sustainable and economically and ecologically sensible cost-benefit ratio, the concept of the purely privately financed Rhine-Ruhr City Initiative relies on almost 90% of already existing sports facilities on the Rhine and Ruhr that are needed for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

People want to know what they will get out of such a major event before potentially applying. "What is my benefit?" is the central question in our concept. In collaboration with RWTH Aachen University and Professor Dr. Günther Schuh, we are developing visions and concepts for how the Olympics can serve as a motor and driver for the entire Rhine-Ruhr region and thus for the people who live here.

A total of 16 municipalities are part of the Rhein Ruhr City Initiative sports facility concept: Aachen, Bochum, Bonn, Dortmund, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Cologne, Krefeld, Leverkusen, Mönchengladbach, Oberhausen and Recklinghausen. 14 municipalities that are enthusiastic about the idea of combining forces and synergies for an overriding goal and thinking as one metropolitan region.

The Rhein Ruhr City Initiative sees itself as an offer to politics and sports policy, initiated from the middle of society. The decision whether, with whom and for when to apply for Olympic and Paralympic Games with Germany is the responsibility of the German Olympic Sports Confederation, the DOSB.

The concept Rhein Ruhr City 2032 contributes 100% to the IOC's Agenda 2020. The IOC's Agenda 2020, headed by its President Dr. Thomas Bach, and the further development of the Agenda in recent months mean that for the first time in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, regions can also apply for the Games.

All information about #RRC in our catalog

Sports facilities


Rheinenergie Stadion




Lanxess Arena

Gymnastics, Rhythmic gymnastics, Trampoline

Lake Fühlinger See

Open water swimming, Triathlon

Stadion Höhenberg




Was gestern richtig war, ist heute nicht falsch. Ökologisch und ökonomisch nachhaltige Olympics & Paralympic Games an Rhein & Ruhr, bei Nutzung vorhandener Infrastruktur. Die Idee bleibt - #RRC als Dekadenprojekt.

Pressemitteilung: ➡️ http://ow.ly/WRoL50EJGpo
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14. Jan 2021

Through Olympics

Through possible Olympic and Paralympic Games, essential future topics such as connected mobility, digitization and artificial intelligence, as well as sustainability and topics such as smart cities can be decisively advanced on the region Rhein Ruhr - as a future-oriented decade project that drives the transformation process from fossil to a sustainable digital economic miracle.

In this context, we are organizing the congress series #neuland - Creating the digital future together in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University and Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh. The aim of the congress is to remove innovation barriers between cities and to realize an economical and ecological sustainable future concept for digitally and mobile networked metropolitan regions.

Partner #RRC